College with Kids

Member Network

Our member network supports campus leaders, researchers, administrators and advocates to improve college access and success for student parents on their campuses!


We work with a number of student parent programs to promote and evaluate innovative solutions and promote best-practices approaches!


We conduct research and evaluation studies to inform best practices for two-generational college access and success!


We support efforts to initiate and sustain supportive systems promoting college access and success for low-income and single-parent students and their children!


The National Center for Student Parent Programs, works to promote the development, expansion and improvement of program offerings in service of students with children, particularly single and/or low-income parents. We believe that when student parents succeed in successfully accessing higher education and completing college degrees, their children also succeed in education and in disrupting intergenerational cycles of poverty. Furthermore, when student parents succeed in completing their educational goals, together as a society we succeed with a passionate and well-trained workforce ready to drive innovation in the 21 st century within careers that support them and their families.

The National Center for Student Parent Programs works to innovate, evaluate and promote best practices to support student parent success. We promote research and policy in support of comprehensive student parent services that offers parenting students a range of support services such as: safe and affordable housing, high quality education programs for both parent and child, and coordinated support services and programming.

We believe that colleges and universities have the opportunity and ability to directly impact student parent success. We work directly with colleges and universities to develop programs that facilitate postsecondary strategies for two-generation mobility, and conduct research and policy advocacy work in support of such programs at local, state and national levels.

The National Center for Student Parent Programs is thankful to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education for the generous grant funding that has substantially contributed to our program development, research and policy efforts. We are also thankful to the support of Endicott College, which helped us to launch, and to grow to become an independent national organization.


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