Many Years in the Making

Many of the scholars, researchers, and program directors affiliated with NCSPP have dedicated decades and careers to advocating for college access and success for student parents.

In 2007, a number of us participated in a convening on college access for welfare recipients at Brooklyn College, and began forming a research and advocacy network which continued to meet and to support the development of research and advocacy on student parent success. Many of the members of this group also came to work together in support of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s Student Parent Success Initiative.

A number of institutions also came together to form two alliance organizations: The Higher Education Alliance of Advocates for Students with Children (HEAASC) and the Higher Education Alliance of Residential Single Parent Programs (HEARSPP). The Ohio State University also founded the Student Parent Support Symposium, an annual convening bringing together thought leaders, researchers and program directors who work with student parents across the country.

In 2013, the HEARSPP alliance disbanded, and HEAASC dissolved soon after. As coordinator of HEARSPP, and a longtime member and leader involved in HEAASC, Dr. Autumn Green, a student parent alumna herself, supported the transition of these alliances toward the launch of the National Center for Student Parent Programs.

Through initial partnerships with Endicott College, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Education, NCSPP worked to launch and implement multiple research and programming initiatives. Building on our strong network and strategic decision to decentralize NCSPP across the network, in 2017-2018, NCSPP began the process of transitioning to become an independent 501c(3) non-profit organization.

Today NCSPP represents a national alliance of colleges and universities, service providers, higher education and non-profit leaders, researchers, and students, working in collaboration toward our shared mission that parenting status should no longer be a barrier in achieving a college degree. Together we work to promote equitable access to and success within college for undergraduate and graduate students with children, through programs, research, advocacy and resources.