The Child Care Access Means Parents in Schools (CCAMPIS) grant, is the only source of federal funding supporting childcare specifically for student parents. The program, with a total federal budget of $15 million per year, provides four-year grants to colleges and universities to facilitate affordable campus-based childcare for student parents. With 4.8 Million student parents nationally, need is much greater than current funding, however the program is currently at risk.
The CCAMPIS program is currently at high risk of being defunded, despite it’s important impact on college access and success for student parents. Please call your Senators and Congress People and ask them to ensure that CCAMPIS stays funded!
For more information on recent developments with CCAMPIS click here.
Higher Education Act Reauthorization
The Higher Education Act is currently up for reauthorization. As this bill is reviewed and considered, it is important that the needs and realities of low-income students, including a large number of student parents, are considered and supported in legislation. Check back soon for more information about the Higher Education Reauthorization bill.